The Weddding Of

Gusti & Ara

We Found Love

And Of His Signs Is That He Created For You From Yourselves Mates That You May Find Tranquility In Them; And He Placed Between You Affection And Mercy. Indeed In That Are Signs For A People Who Give Thought.

- Q.S. Ar-Rum: 21 -

We Are Getting Merried

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
By Offering Praise And Gratitude To The Presence Of Allah SWT, And By Asking For His Blessing, We Intend To Hold Our Wedding Ceremony:

Gustira Andhika Putra

Son Form
Mr. Agus Supandi
& Mrs. Jubaedah


Tiara Putri Milenia S.I.Kom

Daughter Form
Mr. Herman Susilo
& Mrs. Alm. Umi Kulsum

Count The Date

Day and night change so fast, between the thrilling moments that we have never felt before. we look forward to the presence of family and friends, to witness our vows on a happy day:

Our Happy Moments Together

Wedding Gift

Your blessing prayer is a gift that means a lot to us. But if giving is an expression of your love, you can give gifts cashless.
Tiara Putri Milenia
Silahkan transfer ke BNI
a.n Novia & Rezza
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